What is "Whois privacy" service and how can I order it?

Whois privacy is a service that offers above-standard protection of domain owner's contact information. It allows to completely hide your personal information in public database WHOIS and to protect these data even from those who are authorized to acquire them. Protect your personal information - your email, phone number or adress - from misusage! Whois privacy is available for generic domains (e.g. .com, .net, .org) and new generic domains (e.g. .agency, .beer, .camera). You can manage (activate, deactivate) the service through your Customer administration on the Domains tab.

Is WHOIS privacy important when it comes to GDPR?
Definitely YES!
Even though GDPR made most of the main registers hide domain owner’s contact information, there are still a few reasons to activate WHOIS Privacy.
  1. Personal information of a domain protected by WHOIS Privacy is hidden even to third parties (Police, Courts, lawyers, executors and other legal entities allowed to look into WHOIS data). These parties though may access personal information protected by GDPR only.
  2. Email protected by Whois privacy is fully active and anybody can contact the owner. The person does not get the email though; he/she can only ask a registrar to contact the owner. GDPR protected email is unavailable and the owner cannot be contacted by any means.
  3. If the domain is protected by Whois privacy, the data is not accessible by other registers.

INTERNET CZ, a.s. provides the Whois Privacy activation for standard generic domains (for example .com, .net, .org, etc.) and for new generic domains (for example .BARGAINS, .BIKE, .CLOUD, .CHRISTMAS, .CONSULTING, .FOUNDATION, .RECIPES, .TIENDA, etc.). In case of "Packages" (domain + webhosting) - Whois privacy service is provided only for standard generic domains (for example .com, .net, .org, etc.).

Whois Privacy belongs to additional services – its activation is therefore charged. See the details in our Pricelist, in the section “Other optional services“.

How can you order Whois Privacy service?

The Whois Privacy service can be ordered when:

1) Registering a new gTLD domain name
2) Registering a new gTLD domain name within INTERNET CZ Package or SuperPackage
3) Transferring a gTLD domain name

4) Renewing a gTLD domain name
5) As an independent service


Ad 1) Order the Whois Privacy service along with registration of a new domain name. This can be done in the 4th step of the order, during your choice of DNS servers. Here, simply add the Whois Privacy service, its costs will be automatically added to the final price of your order. Then, our system generates the payment request which is sent to your email. As soon as we have received your payment for the ordered services, the Whois Privacy will be activated in the Central Registry. In this case, the expiry date of the Whois Privacy service will be the same as the domain name expiry date. In you customer administration account, you will find the Whois Privacy button – with it you will be able to switch the service on and off according to your liking.

Ad 2) Order the Whois Privacy service along with registration of a new domain name within the INTERNET CZ Package or SuperPackage. This can be done in the 5th step of the order, during your choice of additional services. Here, add the Whois Privacy service, its costs will be automatically added to the final price of your order. Then, our system generates the payment request which is sent to your email. As soon as we have received your payment for the ordered services, the Whois Privacy will be activated in the Central Registry. In this case, the expiry date of the Whois Privacy service will be the same as the domain name expiry date. In your customer administration account, you will find the Whois Privacy button – with it you will be able to switch the service on and off according to your liking.

Ad 3) Order the Whois Privacy service along with the transfer of your domain to INTERNET CZ,a.s. (change of registrar). This is done in the step following after the verification of your domain´s status. There, you will find Whois Privacy among the additional services we offer. Just tick the Whois Privacy check box, its costs will be automatically added to the final price of your order. As soon as the domain´s transfer is finished, the Whois Privacy will be activated. In this case, the expiry date of the Whois Privacy service will be the same as the domain name expiry date. In your customer administration account, you will find the Whois Privacy button – with it you will be able to switch the service on and off according to your liking.

Ad 4) Order the Whois Privacy service along with renewal of your domain name. Just tick the Whois Privacy check box, its costs will be automatically added to the final price of your order. Then, our system generates the payment request which is sent to your email. As soon as we have received your payment for the ordered services, the Whois Privacy will be activated. The expiry date of the Whois Privacy service will be the same as the domain name expiry date. In your customer administration account, you will find the Whois Privacy button – with it you will be able to switch the service on and off according to your liking.

Ad 5) You can activate Whois Privacy as an independent service. In this case, you will find the Whois Privacy in your administration account – in the domain detail, in the Whois Privacy section (next to Redirect section). When you have your domain name registered within the INTERNET CZ Package or SuperPackage, you can order the Whois Privacy service from your administration account – the webhosting detail (in the Whois Privacy section). As soon as we have received your payment for the ordered services, the Whois Privacy will be activated. The expiry date of the Whois Privacy service will be the same as the domain name expiry date.

(Attention: the Whois Privacy service cannot be ordered as an independent service for a domain name which expires in less than 30 days. In such case, you will be able to order the service only together with renewal of the domain.)